Mural Ideas

December 23, 2014

Royal Home Side 1

Royal Home Side 1

December 23, 2014

Humber Valley Side 2

Humber Valley Side 2

December 18, 2014

Twin Pad Arena

Twin Pad Arena Mural Proposal, Flamborough 2012

December 18, 2014

Gravenhurst Library

Gravenhurst Library, 2013

December 18, 2014

Mary Margaret Sporting Goods Hospital

Mary Margaret Sporting Goods Hospital, 2013

December 18, 2014

Gerrard India Bazaar

“He Covers Me”, East Indian Mural, Gerrard India Bazaar Mural Proposal, 2014 “ Fabric idea, Gerrard India Bazaar Mural Proposal,Read more →

December 18, 2014

Belmont Village

Belmont Village Mural Proposal, Kitchener 2011

December 18, 2014

Rockwell’s Dream Continued

Rockwell’s Dream Continued

December 18, 2014

Village of Islington Cooperators

Village of Islington Cooperators Mural Proposal, Toronto 2010

December 18, 2014

Stinson/Carter Park

Stinson/Carter Park Mural

December 18, 2014

Niagara Aquatics Arena

Niagara Aquatics Arena Mural Proposal 2010

December 18, 2014

Gendis Inc.

Gendis Mural.  This is finally off the ground and will be painted this summer.

December 18, 2014

Dovercourt and Gerrard

Dovercourt and Gerrard Mural Proposal 2013

December 18, 2014

Queen Street West

Queen Street West Mural Proposal, Toronto 2010

December 18, 2014

Barton Street

Barton Street Mural Proposal, Hamilton 2012

December 16, 2014


Georgetown Mural Proposal 2012.


Twin Pad Arena

Twin Pad Arena Mural Proposal, Flamborough 2012


Mary Margaret Sporting Goods Hospital

Mary Margaret Sporting Goods Hospital, 2013


Gerrard India Bazaar

“He Covers Me”, East Indian Mural, Gerrard India Bazaar Mural Proposal, 2014

Fabric idea, Gerrard India Bazaar Mural Proposal, 2015

Market Dance, Gerrard India Bazaar Mural Proposal, 2015



Belmont Village

Belmont Village Mural Proposal, Kitchener 2011


Village of Islington Cooperators

Village of Islington Cooperators Mural Proposal, Toronto 2010


Niagara Aquatics Arena

Niagara Aquatics Arena Mural Proposal 2010


Gendis Inc.

Gendis Mural.  This is finally off the ground and will be painted this summer.


Dovercourt and Gerrard

Dovercourt and Gerrard Mural Proposal 2013


Queen Street West

Queen Street West Mural Proposal, Toronto 2010


Barton Street

Barton Street Mural Proposal, Hamilton 2012



Georgetown Mural Proposal 2012.